Aicinājums parakstīt petīciju 30by2030!

Eiropas Primārās aprūpes forums (EFPC) aicina parakstīt petīciju “30by2030”, kurā valdības tiek aicinātas nodrošināt to, lai 2030. gadā PVA tiktu atvēlēti 30% no budžeta finansējuma.
Petīciju var parakstīt šiet: SIGN THE PETITION – 30by2030
We are calling for major international donors to dedicate a substantial portion of their vertical (disease-oriented) based budgets to the strengthening of horizontal Primary Health Care systems so that all diseases can be prevented and people treated in a comprehensive way. This puts into practice the WHA Resolution 62.12, urging member states “to encourage that vertical programs, including disease-specific programs, are developed, integrated and implemented in the context of integrated Primary Health Care”. Our target is that 30% of such budgets are allocated to primary care by 2030.